Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Post-Production- Editing III

Jack and I are still working on the editing. Today we focussed on making the audio sound fluent and even, equalising sound and using audio transitions to smooth out gaps in the audio. We have finished cutting up the shots, we are now refining audio and video tracks, transitions, colouring, etc... The music looks good with the opening title scene, as does the voiceover, which is good.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Post-production- Music

Jonjo and me have written and recorded the music for the opening title scene. We did so in one night, using Garageband for Mac at my house to do so. We were happy with the end result, and when we gave it to Jack to listen to, he was also happy with it.
We used more modern instruments than are perhaps conventional to 1940s/50s soundtracks, but we attempted to bring in conventional styles, timings and genres to the soundtrack, so that it would not appear out of place despite its modernity. An example of a soundtrack that has also used Film Noir conventional soundtrack styles but with modern instruments is the Sin City soundtrack, composed by John Debney, Graeme Revell and Robert Rodriguez.
The instruments we used were: electric guitar, bass, tambourine and keyboard- using a wide range of keyboard voices to construct a Noir inspired modern piece, such as strings, slow strings, trumpet, flute, piano and tenor sax.
I also recorded the voiceover with my brother, the actor who plays Hunter, which I added noise, grain, compression effects and EQ’d it to make the voiceover sound both old and authentic and clear and understandable.
Below are some pictures from the music writing process

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Post-Production- Editing II

Editing is going well, the only problems we have had so far is a stray microphone in the bottom right corner of one of our best shots, but we have managed to get around this by cropping the shot. The editing is being done mainly by Jack and me.
We shot the scene using two cameras, so one of the hardest decisions we have had to make it which shots to use where- considering which work best for framing and stylising; portraying the power struggle between Hunter and Riley- the conveying of meaning; and which shots are most conventional for Film Noir, whilst paying attention to filmmaking rules such as making sure we don’t cross the line- arranging shot order so we avoid doing so.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Post-Production- Editing I

Editing is underway. We managed to successfully sync the audio recorded on the various microphones with the footage, which gives it professional sounding audio- I was worried that this would not work, as it is the first time I have tried to take separate audio recordings.

Monday, February 28, 2011

Production- The Shoot in Pictures

‘The Shoot’ took place on 27th February. Everything ran pretty smoothly, we ran over the scheduled time by about half an hour, but this was predicted. There were no breakages/arguments/disasters, and so it was successful in nearly every respect. Below are some pictures taken on the day of props, cast and crew.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Pre-production- Review

So far, in terms of pre-production, we have:
-          Written the synopsis of the opening and a brief overview of the story
-          Written the script
-          Written the character profiles
-          Written the shot list
-          Decided the name
-          Assigned actors
-          Set a film date
-          Issued actors with a production schedule, detailing the film date, what they need to bring, when they need to be there, what they will need to do and how long it will take.
-          Issued actors with script and character profiles
-          Rented out equipment for the date of filming
-          Set a location and carried out a recce and risk assessment for the location

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Pre-production- Shot List

Shot list:
-   Black screen
-   Mid shot of Esmeé holding a smoking gun, framed centrally in shot

-   Fades into a close up of Hunter’s fingers typing
-   Close up of smoking cigarette in ashtray
-   Close up of pages of his book on table
-   Close up of the whisky bottle on the table
-   Close up of Hunter’s hand taking the cigarette
-   Close up of lips taking a drag of cigarette
-   Mid shot of newspaper articles

-   Mid to long side on shot of Hunter smoking at his typewriter

-   Cuts to an over-the-shoulder shot of Reilly as Hunter opens the door
-   Shot reverse shot of Hunter and Reilly’s conversation, over the shoulder of Hunter and Reilly
-   Long shot, through the lounge doorway of Hunter and Reilly walking back through to the study, pans around to show them in the study

-   Mid shot of Hunter as he asks if Reilly wants scotch
-   Mid-close up of Reilly as he replies
-   Reverse shot back to Hunter, as he begins to pour scotch
-   Cutaway back to Reilly as he begins to speak
-   Mid shot of Hunter as he turns around with the scotch
-   Two shot of the men as Hunter gives Reilly the scotch
-   Close up of Hunter’s hand as he puts the pages back down on the desk
-   Low angle shot of Reilly as he begins to speak
-   Shot reverse shots from the low angle shot of Reilly,  with an over-the-shoulder shot of Hunter
-   Close up of Reilly in the last rant ‘now listen here...’
-   Mid side on shot of the two
-   Close up of Hunter ‘I’m not here to make friends...’
-   Mid shot of Reilly as he walks out
-   Mid shot of Hunter, as in Scene 3, as he lights another cigarette

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Pre-production- Script Revisions

Revisions to the Script:
-          All scenes after scene one now read ‘DAY’ due to the availability of actors and when we can film
-          ‘Scene 5’ added in as Hunter and Reilly move location at the end of Scene 4
-          The line ‘That’s your lookout is it?’ has been removed because Jonjo didn’t like it
-          Stage directions changed: Reilly no longer stays in the lounge while Hunter pours scotch, but they both walk into the study
-          Instead of gesturing at the typewriter, Reilly picks up the draft pages of the book
-          When Reilly picks up the pages, Hunter walks over, hands him the scotch then, and takes the pages from him, placing them back down on the desk        
-          Alteration to the Voiceover: ‘considering I had been in new York for two years’ changed to ‘considering I left London two years ago’, as this establishes that Hunter is English, hence the accent, while the next line ‘no more  can be expected from the NYPD’ establishes that he is now in New York
-          The series of shots has been altered slightly so that it begins with Hunter’s fingers on typewriter, and he no longer picks up the cigarette
-          Small typing and spacing adjustments
-          Name added

Pre-production- Shooting Script


Tom Leatherbarrow, Jonjo Murphy and Jack Newman



Black screen S.F.X Gunshot
A young woman stands with a smoking gun in both her hands, pointing it at the camera. A strip of light illuminates her face and the gun- the background is in darkness. She looks scared. The scene fades out, the music begins over a black screen


Titles superimposed over series of shots:

-   Fingers on typewriter –
-   Smoking cigarette on ash tray –
-   Black coffee on table -  
-   Draft pages on table –
-   Whisky bottle on table –
-   Hand taking Cigarette -
-   Lips taking drag of cigarette –
-   Newspaper articles on the wall of Esmeé -
END titles


HUNTER is smoking at his typewriter.

It was November 1952 when the detective arrived at my door. To be honest, I’m surprised he showed up so soon, considering I left London two years ago. But I suppose no more can be expected from the New York Police Department.

There are three raps on the door, O.S. Hunter pauses for a second, and then puts out his cigarette, and stands up. The camera cuts to Hunter opening the door.


Are you Mr Hunter Phoenix?


My name is Detective John Reilly.

REILLY flashes his badge at HUNTER

I was wondering if I could ask you some questions, about the case of Esmeé Amé-Libre.

Right. Well, you’d better come in

HUNTER opens the door wider, and walks into his study. REILLY steps over the doorstep, closes the door and follows him in. They walk into the study




There’s been a rumour that you’re writing a book about the criminal Esmeé Amé-Libre.

REILLY picks up the draft pages

Is this it?

Yes. I’m just adding the finishing touches

HUNTER hands REILLY a small glass of scotch, and takes the draft pages from Reilly’s hand and puts them back on the side

Let’s get to the point here, Mr Phoenix: Is it true that your book suggests that the murder of Mayor Jack Manning wasn’t committed by his mistress Esmeé Amé-Libre?

That is one of the theories I’ve explored, yes

Well who do you think it was then, Mr Phoenix?

As I say; it’s just a theory

REILLY surveys him for a moment, his eyes narrowed

Another of your theories says that Amé-Libre was wrongly convicted- that she was framed BEAT by the NYPD

HUNTER does not reply but takes a sip of whisky

You can see how these claims would be pretty damaging to New York Police?

HUNTER remains silent

For someone so good with words you sure are quiet. BEAT You moved to New York in April 1950?

That is correct

The case had been closed for over a year. Why move so late?

Oh you know, news travels slow, the details of the case didn’t reach England

There is a pause. The men consider each other

Jack Manning was the most popular Mayor New York city has ever had. He was brutally murdered by his mistress, Esmeé Amé-Libre, in cold blood. In 1949, I personally ensured that she was put to justice. This book-  

He gestures towards the typewriter

Will not go down well with the people of New York. The case has been closed, Mr Phoenix, Amé-Libre did it. I’d think twice before you try and publish this book of yours. It will make you an unpopular man in this city, Mr Phoenix

I’m not here to make friends, Detective.

HUNTER does not reply

We’ll be seeing you again, Mr Phoenix

The detective walks out. HUNTER sits down at his desk and lights a cigarette.


Thursday, February 17, 2011

Pre-production- Location

The location of Jonjo’s house has been decided. We shall use his front doorway for the doorway scene and his office/piano room as Hunter’s office. We shall recce soon and start collecting props so as to make it look 1950s-esque

Pre-production- Name

We have decided on the name of the film: ‘Words on a Murder’. It came down to a choice between ‘The Conviction of Esmeé Amé-Libre’. In the end we decided that ‘Words on a Murder’ was more fitting as that is essentially what the film is about, whereas the conviction of Esmeé  (the fake one) happened before the action, and the real Esmeé is never convicted. We have decided to use the name ‘The Conviction of Esmeé Amé-Libre’ for the title of Hunter’s book, which are the words on the murder, essentially, and will feature in the opening in props (draft pages)  

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Pre-production- Costume

The costume for each character in the opening, as given in the production schedule, examples of such costume in past Film Noir, and who is providing each piece of costume
Hunter (provided by Jamie, playing Hunter)                                                                                     
-         Smart white shirt                                                            
-         Smart dark trousers                                                       
-         Brogues                                                                              
-         Black socks                                                                         
-         Tweed jacket                                                                    
-         Glasses                                                                                

Riley (provided by Paul, playing Riley)                                                                                       
-          Smart white shirt                                                            
-          Braces                                                                                  
-          Smart trousers
-         Smart black shoes
(Provided by Tom, Director)
-      Trench coat
(Provided by Jonjo, Producer and Camera Operator)
-       Hat

Esmeé (provided by Hope, playing Esmeé)
-          An elegant red dress                                                    

Pre-production- Suggested Names for the Production

We came up with some possible names for the film- the emboldened titles are our favourites at the moment...
The Many Faces of Esmeé Amé-Libre
Words on a Murder
The Conviction of Esmeé Amé-Libre
The Double Life of Jack Manning
The Life of Hunter Phoenix
The Death of Jack Manning
The Esmeé Delusion
Fleeing New York City
Lies and Deception in New York City
The Lies of New York
The Other Woman
 Shadow In The Big Lights
A Phoenix in the Ashes
A Heart of Stone, A Smoking Gun
Hunter In The Night

Monday, February 14, 2011

Pre-production- Revised Production Schedule

Production Schedule
Roles, Cast and Crew
Director                                 Tom Leatherbarrow
Producer                               Jonjo Murphy
Editors                                   Tom Leatherbarrow and Jack Newman
Lighting                                 Tom Leatherbarrow and Jack Newman
Camera operators                Jack Newman and Jonjo Murphy
Costume/Set Design            Jonjo Murphy, Nicky Murphy, Tom Leatherbarrow and Jack Newman
Music and Sound FX            Tom Leatherbarrow and Jonjo Murphy
Hair and Makeup                 Darcy Murphy
DVD Menu Design                Jack Newman
-          Hunter Phoenix                  Jamie Leatherbarrow
-          Detective Riley                  Paul Kime
-          Esmeé A-L                          Hope Murphy

Contact                                                                                             Required Equipment
Jack        07865670186                                                                      Cameras              2
Tom       07792927550                                                                       Tripods                2
Jonjo     07837913686                                                                        Clips                    2
Jamie    07891102681                                                                        Lighting Kit          1
Hope     07739360838
Paul      07540555394

Filming Date-    Sunday 27th March 2011                               
Filming Schedule            
  • Crew to arrive on location at 10:00          
  • Actors to arrive on location at 13:00                                                                                                        
  • Filming commences at 13:30                                                                                      
  • Filming ends at approx 16:00
Required Costume                                                                        Required Props
-          Smart white shirt                                                           Books
-          Smart dark trousers                                                       Typewriter
-          Brogues                                                                         Cigarettes
-          Black socks                                                                    Whisky bottle + glasses
-          Tweed jacket                                                                 Cigarette case, lighter
-          Glasses                                                                          Coffee, mugs
-          Hat                                                                                 Police badge
-          Smart white shirt                                                           Notepad and pen
-          Braces                                                                                  
-          Smart trousers
-          Trench coat
-          Smart black shoes
-          An elegant red dress                                                      Gun
-          Silver jewellery                                                                                  
Other props
-          Rug
-          Pictures on wall
-          Newspaper cuttings
-          Draft pages
-          Pens and pencils
-          General clutter
-          Ashtray