Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Pre-production- Early Character Profiles

We have developed an early set of characters and synopsis- will put the synopsis up when it is slightly more developed. Characters so far:
Hunter Phoenix
English writer, living in New York, who is writing a book on the case of Esmeé Amé-Libré. He is similar to Film Noir heroes of the 40s and 50s in his hard-boiled, guarded personality and cynical, satirical, sarcastic outlook on life. He wears traditionally ‘English’ clothes.

Esmeé Amé-Libre
Esmeé is a French born American, who is infamous for the murder of Jack Manning, the beloved Mayor of New York in 1949. She is a beautiful 27 year old blonde. She was physically and mentally abused by Jack Manning, driving her to drastic action in his murder.

Detective John Reilly
John Reilly is a middle aged experience Detective for the NYPD. Average build, average height, with brown hair. He was the Detective dealing with the case of Esmeé, and is known for getting fast results. He is liked and respected within his department.

Detective Dwight Donovan
Detective Dwight Donovan is also a middle age detective for the NYPD. Donovan is generally regarded as one of the top investigators in the US, having been transferred to the NYPD from Detroit for the case of Esmeé.

Angela Watson
Angela Watson is the black maid who was employed by Jack Manning at the time of his murder. She was in the house when Esmeé shot Jack Manning, and so was framed by Detective John Reilly.

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