Monday, February 14, 2011

Pre-production- Revised Production Schedule

Production Schedule
Roles, Cast and Crew
Director                                 Tom Leatherbarrow
Producer                               Jonjo Murphy
Editors                                   Tom Leatherbarrow and Jack Newman
Lighting                                 Tom Leatherbarrow and Jack Newman
Camera operators                Jack Newman and Jonjo Murphy
Costume/Set Design            Jonjo Murphy, Nicky Murphy, Tom Leatherbarrow and Jack Newman
Music and Sound FX            Tom Leatherbarrow and Jonjo Murphy
Hair and Makeup                 Darcy Murphy
DVD Menu Design                Jack Newman
-          Hunter Phoenix                  Jamie Leatherbarrow
-          Detective Riley                  Paul Kime
-          Esmeé A-L                          Hope Murphy

Contact                                                                                             Required Equipment
Jack        07865670186                                                                      Cameras              2
Tom       07792927550                                                                       Tripods                2
Jonjo     07837913686                                                                        Clips                    2
Jamie    07891102681                                                                        Lighting Kit          1
Hope     07739360838
Paul      07540555394

Filming Date-    Sunday 27th March 2011                               
Filming Schedule            
  • Crew to arrive on location at 10:00          
  • Actors to arrive on location at 13:00                                                                                                        
  • Filming commences at 13:30                                                                                      
  • Filming ends at approx 16:00
Required Costume                                                                        Required Props
-          Smart white shirt                                                           Books
-          Smart dark trousers                                                       Typewriter
-          Brogues                                                                         Cigarettes
-          Black socks                                                                    Whisky bottle + glasses
-          Tweed jacket                                                                 Cigarette case, lighter
-          Glasses                                                                          Coffee, mugs
-          Hat                                                                                 Police badge
-          Smart white shirt                                                           Notepad and pen
-          Braces                                                                                  
-          Smart trousers
-          Trench coat
-          Smart black shoes
-          An elegant red dress                                                      Gun
-          Silver jewellery                                                                                  
Other props
-          Rug
-          Pictures on wall
-          Newspaper cuttings
-          Draft pages
-          Pens and pencils
-          General clutter
-          Ashtray

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