Thursday, February 10, 2011

Pre-production- Production Schedule

Production Schedule
Roles, Cast and Crew
Director            Tom Leatherbarrow
Producer           Jonjo Murphy
Editor                Jack Newman
Lighting            Jonjo Murphy
Camera             Jack Newman
-          Hunter Phoenix                   Jamie Leatherbarrow
-          Detective Riley                   Paul Kime
-          Esmeé A-L                           Hope Murphy

Contact                                                                                             Required Equipment
Jack        07865670186                                                                     Cameras                   2
Tom       07792927550                                                                      Tripods                     2
Jonjo     07837913686                                                                       Clips                         2
Jamie    07891102681                                                                       Lighting Kit               1
Hope     07739360838

Filming Date-    Saturday 26th March 2011                            
Filming Schedule            
  • Crew to arrive on location at 13:00
  • Actors to arrive on location at 16:00                                                                                                     
  • Filming commences at 17:30                                                                                      
  • Filming ends at approx 21:00
Required Costume                                                                          Required Props
-          Smart white shirt                                                                 Books
-          Smart dark trousers                                                             Typewriter
-          Brogues                                                                               Cigarettes
-          Black socks                                                                          Whisky bottle + glasses
-          Tweed jacket                                                                       Cigarette case, lighter
-          Glasses                                                                                Coffee, mugs
-          Hat                                                                                       Police badge
-          Smart white shirt                                                                 Notepad and pen
-          Braces                                                                                  
-          Smart trousers
-          Trench coat
-          Smart black shoes
-          An elegant red dress                                                      Gun
-          Silver jewellery                                                                                  

Other props
-          Rug
-          Pictures on wall
-          Newspaper cuttings
-          Draft pages
-          Pens and pencils
-          General clutter
-          Ashtray

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